Top Bone Strengthening Foods for Strong & Healthy Joint Health

Dr. Ritu Sethi

Aug 20, 20243 min read

The stronger your bones are, the healthier you will feel. Our body produces minerals during childhood, adolescence and early adulthood stages of our lives. When you hit the age of around 30 years, you achieve peak bone mass. Only some are blessed genetically.

So, if our body doesn’t build enough bone mass during the early stages (childhood, adolescence and early adulthood), the chances of developing fragile bones increase.

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating bone strengthening foods rich in nutrients, calcium, and vitamin D, you can improve your bone health. Listed below are 9 best foods to strengthen bones for your understanding.

1) Dairy Products

This fact is well known to many that dairy products are an excellent source of calcium. It helps strengthen your bones and take care of your joints. Consuming dairy products that are excellent sources of vitamins and calcium must be a part of your daily diet. Here are 3 best bone strengthening foods to consume.

A) Milk

When we were children, our parents kept nudging us to drink milk every day. The primary reason is that it is the best source of calcium and other mineral that help keep our bones strong. It contains a whopping 18 out of 22 nutrients that our body needs to keep our joints strong and healthy.

B) Cheese

This will make you happy and elated that cheese is an excellent source of calcium. Swiss cheese contains the most calcium content and general cottage cheese comprises the least amount of calcium. However, excess cheese consumption can shoot up your cholesterol levels and fat percentage. So, eat wisely and consume food in the right quantity to ensure all your meals are perfectly balanced.

C) Yoghurt

Dairy-based, fat-free yoghurts cover 30% to 45% of your daily calcium intake. It is readily available in the market and can be made in-house as well. Make yoghurts a part of your daily diet and consume them directly to see an uptick in calcium levels.

2) Leafy Green Vegetables

“Eat your greens,” a renowned phrase that highlights the importance of consuming green leafy vegetables daily. Wondering why? Because it’s rich in calcium, nutrients, and vitamins that support bone health. When you consume green, leafy vegetables, your bones get the necessary nutrients and your joints feel stronger than before. Some of the important leafy green vegetables are kale, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, etc.

3) Fish

When you think of the best bone strengthening foods, then consuming fish should be a part of your diet. It is loaded with proteins, calcium, and vitamin D that help keep your bones strong and healthy. Given below are 3 types of fish that give you high levels of nutrients and let your bones feel the attention it deserves.

A) Salmon

Rich in vitamin D and calcium, Salmon is a fish that you should relish. It is also called a superfood by many. Salmon also comprises a good concentration of omega-3 fatty acids which is really good for eye, heart, and brain health.

B) Sardines

Consuming Sardines requires a specific palate. Whoever can enjoy this fish, will get to feel the benefits of calcium and vitamin D. They can be relished straight out of the can, as a salad dish, on a pizza, or mixed with pasta.

C) Mackerel

This fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids which work tirelessly to reduce inflammation and ease out pain & stiffness. It helps support bone health and prevent joint-related issues.

4) Nuts and Seeds

Your bones are stronger than you could ever imagine. However, eating the wrong food and munching on unhealthy foods can destroy your bone health. Nuts and seeds are easily available and are packed with calcium and sunflower seeds that make your bones strong & robust. But, wait! There’re more. Consuming nuts and seeds will also increase the potassium and magnesium content in your diet. This is beneficial for your overall well-being.

5) Fruits

Fruits are considered to be nature’s gift to humans. They are packed with anti-inflammatory compounds, essential vitamins, and antioxidants that enhance your joint health. The more fruits you consume every day, the stronger and better your bones will be.

A) Oranges

High in vitamin C, oranges are your go-to companion for collagen production. It helps reduce inflammation and maintain bone health.

B) Prunes

Filled with polyphenols and boron, Prunes shoot up your bone density levels and reduce the chances of joint-related injuries. Consuming Prunes in your day-to-day should be regular to see visible changes.

C) Berries

When you think of berries, assume that they will be filled with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins. These berries help fight inflammation & protect cartilage tissues from damage.

6) Beans and Legumes

Comprising fibre, protein, and antioxidants in high quantity, beans and legumes assist in reducing inflammation and taking care of your joint health. They are easy to make and can be consumed daily as a staple food.

A) Black Beans

Black beans are filled with antioxidants and phytonutrients that ensure your joints remain in top-notch condition.

B) Edamame

Edamame is a rich source of plant-based protein and omega-3 fatty acids that help improve joint flexibility.

C) Tofu

Rich in proteins & calcium and made with the goodness of soybeans, Tofu is crucial for maintaining healthy joints and keeping your bones stronger.

7) Whole Grains

Loaded with the good-good fibres and proteins, whole grains are a must-have addition to your daily meal intake. It helps in reducing inflammation & stiffness, and supporting overall health.

A) Quinoa

Thanks to the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds properties of Quinoa, your bone health remains good in the long run.

B) Oats

Formulated with beta-glucan which is a type of fibre with anti-inflammatory properties, Oats play an important role in keeping your joint health in good shape.

8) Lean Protein

As we all know, proteins are an amazing source of vitamins and minerals. It plays a crucial role in supporting muscle strength and protecting joints.

A) Chicken

Providing high-quality protein in every serving, Chicken helps in tissue repair and joint health.

B) Turkey

Turkey is packed with essential amino acids that are essential for maintaining joint function & cartilage tissues.

9) Others

Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats, and antioxidants play a crucial part in joint lubrication and reducing inflammation. Below are some of more best bone strengthening foods.

A) Eggs

Being an excellent source of vitamin D and protein, consuming eggs every day will help you maintain good joint health and strong bone density.

B) Bone Broth

Bone broths comprise collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin that enhance your flexibility and joint health.

The above-given tips for maintaining healthy joints and bones with the help of foods are crucial for your well-being. Increase the intake of such food items to give your bones the care they deserve. Additionally, you can also try the three60+ arthritis care combo for keeping your joints in excellent condition. The combo helps relieve joint pain and stiffness.

Frequently asked questions

1) Please help me understand how to make my bones stronger?

Eat foods for bones strengthening, exercise daily, and give your body the care it deserves. These are some ways to make your bones stronger and healthier.

2) Which fruit is the best to have for strong and healthy bones?

Orange, Prunes, and Berries are some of the best bone strengthening foods that are good for your joints.

3) Give me an idea on which food has the highest calcium concentration?

Dairy products, leafy greens, fish, and nuts & seeds are good sources of calcium. They are a must-have addition to your daily diet.

4) I am an adult, how much calcium should I consume in a day?

Since you’re an adult , your minimum daily calcium intake should be at least 1000 mg.

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