Reasons for Insomnia: Symptoms, Treatments & Everything You Must Know
Dr. Kriti Soni
Aug 20, 2024•3 min read
Recent reports indicate that more than 50% of Indians, i.e., 1 out of 2 people, are facing sleepless nights while India ranks at the 2nd position among the most sleep-deprived countries around the world. There are many reasons for sleeplessness festering in India but one of the main causes for insomnia is our fast-paced daily lifestyle.
Insomnia is an advanced sleep disorder that keeps you away from your good night’s ZZZzzz’s. It is an indication that you haven’t gotten your peaceful sleep. You might have insomnia if you -
● Face difficulty to go to sleep
● Wake up frequently throughout the night
● Lie awake at random times during the night
● Wake up early and are unable to go back to sleep
● Feel tired, weary, and exhausted after waking up
● Cannot concentrate on any task during the day
● Feel irritated and exhausted at all times
Main Causes of Insomnia
Listed below is the main cause of sleeplessness that you must be aware of.
1. Daily stress and unwanted anxiety
It’s only natural to experience some stress due to our fast-paced lifestyle. However, more often than not, we tend to worry about things a little too much. This can cause stress and anxiety which eventually translates into you staying up the whole night and staying up the whole day.
2. Poor sleep habits
Random sleep timings, untimely naps, consuming caffeine before bedtime, and staying mentally active because of digital platforms are key things that cause insomnia. These are poor habits before sleeping that kick your good night’s rest to the curb.
3. Mental health disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, etc. often keep you up at night. Get the support you need to ensure you can sleep peacefully at night.
4. Medical conditions
Continuous pain, diabetes, heart conditions, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and Alzheimer's disease are some of the most common diseases linked to sleeplessness. Find effective solutions and get yourself treated to prevent these conditions from escalating.
5. Check your medications
There are several medications that interfere with sleep. They come between you and your good night’s snores! So, check with your doctor whether the prescribed medicines will hamper your sleep or not. Also, steer clear of random, unprescribed medications that are sold offline and online.
6. Lifestyle Factors
Smoking, drinking, caffeine, and other harmful substances can really mess up your sleep cycle. You’ll find yourself getting up in the night frequently, unable to doze off and experiencing a disrupted sleep cycle.
7. Hormonal Changes
Fluctuating hormones often tend to break the daily rhythm of your sleep cycle. Periods and menopause are common issues that can affect your body’s hormonal stability.
These are some of the most common sleeplessness causes that you must be aware of to ensure you can take steps against it proactively.
Symptoms of Insomnia
While you’ve explored the reasons for insomnia above, jotted below are some of the symptoms of insomnia to know about.
1. Difficulty falling asleep
If sleep denies you for days and you’re rolling around the bed counting sheep, know that insomnia might have set in. You will also feel irritated and annoyed due to lack of sleep.
2. Waking up during the night
If you wake up in the middle of your sleep and are snapping out of your REM cycle frequently, then it might be insomnia. The condition often breaks your sleep cycle and does not let you build a sleep rhythm.
3. Waking up too early
Another way insomnia can affect your sleep is by forcing you to get up early in the morning. You’ll often be at the receiving end of the poor sleep cycle & you’ll wake up way before your sleep cycle ends naturally.
4. Not feeling well-rested after a night's sleep
Oftentimes, you might feel that you’ve slept enough but you still would be feeling tired, irritated, fatigued, or sleepy during the day. This could be primarily because of your poor sleeping habits, sleeping in the wrong position, or disturbed sleep.
5. Difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks, or remembering
When you’re going through insomnia or any sleep disorder, some of the visible symptoms can be difficulty focusing on tasks, lack of attention, forgetfulness, and poor focus. Stay mindful of these symptoms and get solutions for the same to ensure you’re fresh and energised.
6. Increased errors or accidents
Another symptom of insomnia could be poor cognitive functions. You will tend to make more errors and small mishaps in your day-to-day work. This is not a reason due to poor focus but improper sleep at night.
Treatments for Insomnia
Now that you have a detailed idea of insomnia causes and symptoms, here are some ways to treat or tackle the same. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, given below are some of the best practices recommended by experts all over the world.
1. Medications
There are several supplements out there that do not cause any side effects and also help you get peaceful sleep. One example is three60 De-Stress & Snooze gummies. They are made of L-theanine and KSM-66 Ashwagandha which help you get a deep and restful sleep. These gummies also help you understand how stress affects sleep and reduce cortisol levels. Consuming safe and efficacious medicines helps you manage insomnia and other sleep disorders. However, consume with the correct dosages and reach out to a professional if you have any doubts or past medical history.
2. Behavioral Therapies
One of the known treatments for insomnia is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It helps you train your mind with new ways to behave based on the changing thought patterns. Some strategies used by professionals comprise role-playing and assigning homework.
3. Lifestyle and Home Remedies
● Try natural sleep aids such as herbal tea or warm milk before bed.
● Trust in acupuncture and see the benefits yourself.
● Steer clear of digital distractions and devices at least an hour before bed.
● Avoid nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol.
● Exercise those muscles regularly and keep your body moving.
● Set up a dark, cosy atmosphere that will trigger sleep at night.
● Eat good food and treat your body right.
Understanding the reasons for insomnia gives you an upper hand on the know-how on sleeplessness causes and treatment. It allows you to take prompt steps to fix your lifestyle & habits and see the difference yourself. With the above steps, you might not get freedom from insomnia instantly but, slowly and steadily, you will see a sharp improvement in your sleep quality. By taking proactive initiatives daily, you’ll finally be able to get back your ZZZzzz’s and tackle your day with new zeal.
Frequently asked questions
1. Is there a way to treat insomnia?
You can manage insomnia symptoms by taking proactive steps like improving your sleep cycle, exercising regularly, managing daily stress, & keeping a consistent sleep cycle.
2. Is it possible for insomnia to resolve on its own?
If your insomnia is caused due to temporary stress or a change in routine, then yes, it might get resolved on its own. However, if there are other reasons for insomnia, then external intervention is required to get the correct treatment.
3. How long does insomnia typically last?
Depending on your causes and symptoms, insomnia can last anywhere between a couple of days to a couple of months. Once you detect that you have insomnia, find a way to get relief from it instantly.
4. What are the primary causes of insomnia?
Poor sleeping habits, daily stress, medical conditions, mental health issues, lifestyle issues, and hormonal changes are the leading causes of insomnia.
5. What is daily life like for individuals living with insomnia?
You will feel restless, tired, irritated, low on patience, lost, out of focus, poor concentration, and forgetfulness if you are living with insomnia.