11 Best, Nourishing Foods for Increased Memory Power & A Healthy Brain
(Vaidya) Dr. Piyush Juneja
Aug 20, 2024•3 min read
Your brain is the command centre that acts as a guide for your entire body. To make your focus and memory game strong, your brain needs to be fuelled up. It needs good rest, daily exercise, and, most importantly, food to boost memory power & run like a well-oiled machine.
Some of the foods to eat to increase brain power must contain the following ingredients:
● Antioxidants (Helps prevent or delay cell damage)
● Vitamin B
● Omega fatty acids
● Healthy fats
So, let’s explore some nutritious and healthy foods that are perfect for your brain health and also boost memory.
1) Choose Fatty Fish
Fatty fish is considered to be one of the best brain foods because of its high Omega-3 content. You can now safely say, “Fins for the win.” Omega-3 fatty acid helps in building your brain health & nerve cells and is essential for memory & learning. So, experience the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and give your brain the nourishment it deserves so that it can work at its full capacity.
Jotted below are some excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids:
● Salmon
● Trout
● Albacore tuna
● Herring
● Sardines
2) Trust in the Good-Good Blueberries
Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. They help better the connection between brain cells and facilitate the seamless transfer of information between the cells. It's fascinating to see the intricately woven network of cells in our brain and how it functions so seamlessly. Thus, helping you stay focused and concentrated at all times. You can sprinkle blueberries over your cereal, make a smoothie, or enjoy with a simple snack.
3) Try the Turmeric Way
Curcumin is an active ingredient in Turmeric. It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound that helps improve memory and growth of brain cells. Curcumin is known to boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor which is a key component in keeping your brain healthy. You can also use turmeric and make it a part of your diet by adding it to your meals and salads.
4) Broccoli Power Up
Broccoli is packed with antioxidants and comprises very high amounts of Vitamin K. It helps in forming sphingolipids which are a specific type of fat densely curled up into our brain cells. Add broccoli to your diet and nourish your health. Toss it in a pan, saute it or relish it with any delicacy.
5) Dive into Dark Chocolate
If you’re a sweet lover and also enjoy a bittersweet taste, then we’ve something for you as well. Dark chocolates are filled with antioxidants and caffeine that not only shoot up your memory but also significantly improve your focus. It’s packed with flavonoids that facilitate learning and memory. So, dig in, enjoy the taste of Dark Chocolate, & experience the amazing benefits as well!
6) Dig into Green Leafy Veggies
This one’s a no-brainer! “Eat your greens,” is a quote familiar to all of us and for a very good reason too. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, kale, etc. are known as brain food! They’re literally loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that keep you sharp. Your mental health, cognitive health, and overall well-being significantly improve when you consume green leafy vegetables daily.
7) Rely on Oranges
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that is crucial for your brain health. Its powerful antioxidant properties help in decreasing the free radicals that tend to damage brain cells. Oranges are an excellent source of Vitamin C. Plus, its sweet-tangy taste further enriches your experience and gives amazing flavours.
8) Love'Em Eggs
Comprising folate, vitamins B6 & B12, and choline, eggs are an excellent source of nutrients that enrich your brain health. It helps regulate mood and better your memory. Additionally, eggs are loaded with proteins and vitamins that are linked to mental functions and better memory.
9) Enjoy the Whole Grains
Did you know? Whole grains are known to have a low glycemic index - indicating a slow breakdown of foods and a gentle/ gradual release of sugar in your bloodstream. The benefit? Your brain functions more efficiently and focuses well on tasks at hand. No more sudden sugar rush and cognitive crashes.
Given below are some healthy whole-grain alternatives that are a must-have for better brain health!
● Quinoa
● Whole grain pasta
● Whole grain bread
● Oatmeal
● Buckwheat
● Brown rice
10) Relish the Avocados
Filled with healthy unsaturated fats, Avocados are a succulent fruit that prevents cognitive decline and nourishes all organs, including the brain. They’re considered to be the best brain food for all age groups. Avocados also comprise monounsaturated fat that facilitates healthy blood flow & boosts brain health.
11) Munch in Nuts & Seeds
Nuts and seeds are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They comprise vitamin E which is known to improve memory and brain health. Try adding nuts and seeds to your diet and start watching the miracle unfold!
The above foods help in improving your focus and overall brain health. They are your gateway to a sound mind and laser-sharp focus. What you feed your brain is what you’ll feel as well. So, try three60 De-Stress & Focus tablets and shoot up your concentration levels and daily focus.
Frequently asked questions
1. Explain in brief what is beneficial food for brain health?
A) Foods such as blueberries, fatty fish, & walnuts are filled with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that nourish your mind and better your brain health. Dark chocolate & leafy greens are some other key goods for improving brain health.
2. Which five foods are detrimental to brain function?
A) Sugary drinks, trans fats, highly processed foods, refined carbs, and artificial sweeteners are the 5 main foods that are real villains of your healthy brain.
3. What is the best snack for boosting brain power?
A) While many sources of food boost your brain power, consuming walnuts rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E is the best snack for your mind.