Tired of Poor Performance? 7 Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally
(Vaidya) Dr. Piyush Juneja
Jul 19, 2024•3 min read
Performance slump is real and anyone can be at the receiving end of it. The last thing anyone wishes is to be bad between the sheets. Now, some believe stress to be the core reason while many think that poor lifestyle choices are the leading cause. It could be either one or all of the above AND more!
The primary reason for poor performance is low testosterone levels in the body. A healthy balance of this hormone is extremely important in males to satisfy the needs of their loved ones. Testosterone is primarily produced in the testicles while adrenal glands also generate the same in small amounts. The hormone is responsible for your sexual well-being & drive, muscle development, voice changes, and hair growth.
Several natural testosterone booster foods and supplements can help you kick-start your engine. Here are 7 ways to increase testosterone naturally and give your partner what they deserve.
1) Dial-up on your exercise
“Exercise can cause you harm,” said no one ever. It is THE most effective way to make better lifestyle choices. Physical activities like gymming, walking, or simply dancing can shoot up your testosterone levels. Even studies back it up that exercising and improved physical activity prove more beneficial in boosting testosterone levels than restricting calorie intake. Resistance training like weightlifting is quite effective in improving your sexual-drive-boosting hormone numbers.
2) Eat the good-good food
Pile on those good proteins, consume food with healthy fat, improve intake of green veggies, and rely on good sources of carbohydrates to boost testosterone levels. The best part about eating well-balanced meals is that your hormone level stays stable. These natural testosterone booster foods support your overall health and help you get back your lost mojo in bed.
3) Say no to stress
Stress causes a sharp rise in cortisol levels that makes you feel worked up, mentally exhausted, and, at times, anxious. It can reduce the testosterone levels in your body. The situation is similar to your experience in a see-saw, whenever stress levels go up, testosterone levels go down, and vice versa. Stress can also lead to weight gain and the accumulation of harmful fat in your body. To manage your testosterone levels, tackle stress head-on!
4) Sleep like a baby
A good night’s sleep can help you feel fresh and rejuvenated. Disturbed & impaired sleep has been linked to low testosterone levels. The sweet spot is 7 to 9 hours of sleep where your testosterone levels remain high. Get your sleep so that your bedroom game gets strong!
5) Horde on magnesium and vitamin D intake
Vitamin D falls under the bucket of macronutrients that are a must-have for our body. Still, millions of people lack Vitamin D intake due to poor eating habits. Its deficiency has been linked to poor testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction. So, improve Vitamin D intake as it is a good natural testosterone booster.
Similarly, magnesium deficiency has also been linked to poor testosterone levels. It can mess up your hormones. So, focus on increasing the intake of magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, cashews, almonds, and peanuts.
6) Back off from alcohol & cigarettes
Regular drinking and smoking can deplete your testosterone levels. It can also be the leading cause of severe and chronic health issues such as diabetes, cancer, fatty liver, and more. So, why not make a better lifestyle choice and double down on exercising and unwinding rather than succumbing to alcohol, cigarettes, & other drugs? In the long run, your body will thank you!
7) Melt away all the plastics from your life
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a troublemaker that is found in plastics, cans, & other packaging. It can really throw your hormone stability for a toss and create severe imbalances in your testosterone levels. So, switch to better storage boxes such as glass to steer clear of plastics.
To bring back your sexual drive and get you back on top, there are many natural supplements to increase testosterone levels. One of the best natural testosterone boosters is the three60 De-Stress & Perform tablets. They are made with clean ingredients such as Synura® Forte Blend and Gokshura that help shoot up testosterone and stamina levels.
Maintaining the perfect amount of testosterone levels in your body is not something that can be achieved overnight. Making healthy choices daily and ditching toxic habits will re-ignite the fire hidden beneath. So, take active steps to boost your testosterone levels and bring back those feel-good moments with your partner.